Ep. 22, Reading the Bible as a Spirit + Chip’s Story

Ep. 22, Reading the Bible as a Spirit + Chip’s Story

Episode 22:

Reading the Bible as a Spirit


Can someone come back from the dead? Yes; listen in!

Join Paul and the friends as they discuss how to read the Bible as a spirit, using Chapter 4 in the first book of the nine-book Unseen Series, titled Nobody Sees This You: How to Live as a Spirit in the Unseen Realm. (You can see excerpts on Goodreads)

AND in this episode, learn how one man returned from death.

The Unseen Realm with Paul Renfroe and Friends is a weekly discussion of Scriptures found in a book in the nine-book Unseen Series.

Here at ParadigmLighthouse.com, request your free copy of the prequel to the nine-book Unseen Series: How to Unveil the Unseen and Live as a Spirit by Paul Renfroe.

Bonus: How to Deal with Pain

Bonus: How to Deal with Pain

Bonus Episode:

How to Deal with Pain

Acute, chronic, sudden—the decision is the same

Everyone has pain. The decisions that pain forces on us are not always clear. The foundational question with pain, like very other topic: Who is my Lord?

The Unseen Realm with Paul Renfroe and Friends is a weekly discussion of Scriptures found in a book in the nine-book Unseen Series. (You can see excerpts on Goodreads from Nobody Sees This You: How to Live as a Spirit in the Unseen Realm.)

But this episode is just Paul.

Listen as he briefly describes his lessons from eight diagnoses of life-threatening problems.

Ep. 21, The Grant of Righteousness

Ep. 21, The Grant of Righteousness

Episode 21:

The Grant of Righteousness

Yes or No: Are you righteous?

Are you righteous? You’re probably too modest to say, if you are. Learn how your spirit is born with the grant of righteousness from this discussion of The Unseen Realm with Paul Renfroe and Friends.

Each week, they discuss the Scriptures found in a book in the nine-book Unseen Series. This episode about the grant of righteousness is from the fourth chapter, Toward God, in the first book. You can see excerpts on Goodreads from Nobody Sees This You: How to Live as a Spirit in the Unseen Realm.

Get off the treadmill of trying, and accept God’s grant to you. Instead of earning it, you are given it, as Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 3:21, But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed.

Then what? We bear it out by our lives. Because it is a grant, we don’t measure ourselves by

performance. However, an effect is expected, which Jesus called fruit in John 15:2. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away.

Without bearing fruit, then the predictable question is, did you receive the grant of righteousness?

So eliminate all doubt. Put the question to rest. You can take one easy step: request the free prequel to the Unseen Series (or contribute to our support by buying it on Amazon). Learn the joys of righteousness! And avoid the consequences of neglecting the grant of righteousness.

Remember: deceptive unseen enemies begrudge you the grant of righteousness. You can read more about them in Book 4 of the Unseen Series, Nobody Sees These Enemies: How to Discern and Disarm Unseen Tempters. It’s available directly from Paul and also from Amazon.

Each week we release a new episode from our group discussion of Bk 1 in the Unseen Series, Nobody Sees This You: How to Live as a Spirit in the Unseen Realm. Use the contact form at ParadigmLighthouse.com to be included.

The Unseen Realm with Paul Renfroe and friends

The Unseen Realm with Paul Renfroe and friends

Are You a Spirit?

Inaugural Episode 1

Do you have conflicting thoughts about soul, spirit, life, death? These are mysterious—yet vital to your long-term self-interest. In this inaugural Bible study podcast, Paul and his friends contemplate what Jesus said to Nicodemus, maybe even on a windy rooftop.

Learn more about the Unseen Realm through Paul’s nine-book Unseen Series. This discussion is from Chapter 1 of Book 1, titled Nobody Sees This You: How to Live as a Spirit in the Unseen Realm.

You can use the contact form at ParadigmLighthouse.com to reach out to Paul. Subscribe for notifications when new episodes are available.