Paradigm Underwriters HQ

Let him who is taught the word share in all good things with him who teaches. Galatians 6:6

Diane and I are thankful for our Paradigm Underwriters.

You are implementing what Jesus described to Nicodemus: Christians are spirits, born of spirit, and able to act in the realm of spirit (John 3:5–6). We are waking Christians up to their full function as spirits in the unseen realm. Unbelievers are not exempt! God is agitating people everywhere. As an underwriter, you are also funding our evangelistic emphasis.

Find the item that you want to underwrite, then click the funding button. The cost calculations include the time each one requires.

By self-publishing, I retain the rights, in contrast to publishers who can arbitrarily pull titles off the market. However, it means I bear all the expenses myself—even while my work income is reduced 90% from two years ago, due to factors beyond my control.

Last January, I sought the Lord about funding Book Four. He reminded me that people want to be a part of this great, biblical paradigm shift. This underwriting opportunity for you is the result.

Thank you.


$71 funds 1 hour writing and all the associated tools, time, and effort required to produce quality, comprehensible writing.


$150 funds a month of website hosting, improvement, and maintenance by my webmaster Pure White Design, Aaron Sutton owner.


$600 funds the expense of one week's podcast episode, including time to record, edit, customize, publicize, and distribute.

Cover + Promo Art

$750 funds the artistic materials for one book: the art design and multiple drafts for the cover, posters, bookmarks, mugs, and giveaway copies. All Unseen Series art is designed and created by my fantastic artist, Hannah Linder.


$1000 funds the process of book editing, which no author can do for themselves. I use Ashley Niro, an expert editor with a wide reputation.


$1,000 funds the process of typesetting for one book. I have two pros for that, depending on their availability: Michael Williams and Faithe Thomas.


$5,000 funds a month of promotion for the Unseen Series books, the podcast, and the Bible paradigm that Christians are living spirits. Calendar: February = NRB, August = CPE, etc.


$7,000 funds the process of audiobook recording for one book. My national-level voice artist is Rick Tarrant, and his sound engineer masters everything perfectly to satisfy distributors.

Full Month of Book Production

$12,500 funds everything you saw above for one month, and releases Diane and me for full-time dedication to producing the remaining five books of the Unseen Series.

One Book all inclusive

$36,500 fully funds the time and expense of producing one book in the Unseen Series. It's the sum total of all the above, over the three months this process requires.

Report to Underwriters through June 30, 2024

1. WHAT’S COME IN? You underwriters shared $21,242 with Diane and me in January-June 2024! Wow! $6,415.18 was devoted to produce and promote Book 4. The total podcast expense to date is $17,949.49; $3,659.49 was paid to third parties and the balance is my time at $71/hour (which provided Q1 living expenses).

2. WHAT’S THE GOAL? For book and podcast sales to cover all full-time ministry expenses.

3. WHAT’S THE JANUARY-JUNE RESULT? Podcast: 1,985 downloads of the 34 weekly episodes released (not counting direct from the PL website). Our weekly downloads are averaging 58. Books: $489 in sales, paid net via Amazon after 70% royalty, and gross cash and online sales.

4. WHAT’S THE PLAN? To promote the Renfroe’s Paradigm Lighthouse ministry resulting in a paid subscription community and book sales via a) events [NRB, CPE], b) guest appearances, c) free media and TV, d) podcast moved to video distribution, e) develop a system to identify and serve target audience, and f) produce Diane’s book.

5. DIANE’S BOOK Yea! Her writing is complete and Draft One is now entering the editing process. The working title is Is The Bible Even Real? She writes with a brief, candid voice full of wonder. Her book will help people’s faith in the integrity of the Scripture as God’s Word. As short as it is, it covers the transmission, composition, compilation, preservation, and promulgation of God’s Word.

6. WHY BOTHER? Our paradigms must keep up with the Lord Jesus at the head of our army. When we do not, consequences result from willful blindness. God has called Diane and me to help people keep in step with Him. 

Every Paradigm Underwriter gets books free.

Not yet published but in editing process: Book 5, Nobody Sees This Israel: God’s Vanguard Against Darkness; Book 6, Nobody Sees This Warrior: God Ambushes Satan; Book 7, Nobody Sees This Church: Resisting Darkness; Book 8, The Friends Nobody Sees: Helpers in the Unseen; Book 9, Nobody Sees This End (yet): The Destruction of Darkness; and Book 10, The Time Nobody Sees: How to Live in the Eternal Now.

Event, Underwriting, Booking, and Contact

Check out the next book-signing below! In the message space, you can become an underwriter (see that page) and help get this paradigm into more Christians. I'll confirm the arrangements with you directly.

What's your interest? (check all that apply)